Be Sustainable

Achieve NET ZERO, backed by credible action.

We integrate sustainable practices into your supply chain, helping you reduce your carbon footprint, minimize waste, and adhere to environmental regulations. Our team guide you through the adoption of sustainable technologies, materials, and processes.


Environment, Social and Governance

Reduce our carbon footprint and move to a comprehensive portfolio of green products to help our customers achieve their environmental goals.

Warehouses are located strategically closer to the cities, thereby reducing the emissions form the last mile distribution.

Warehouse construction conform to standards set by the Central Public Health Environment

Approximately 20% of our Parks are covered under landscaping.

Natural Lights and Energy efficient Lighting Systems

Rainwater harvesting, water recycling and waste disposal units placed

Safety norms for wind pressure and seismic loads followed in construction.

Provisioning alternate fuels like EVs for Last Mile Distribution

Some of our Warehouses are having Solar Power Provisions

In a business powered by people, we are providing a safe, inclusive, and purpose-driven workplace with equal opportunities for all our Work force who drive our success, attracting and retaining the best talent to sustain our future.

Cut carbon, Reduce waste,

Our experienced team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring that your transition to sustainability is smooth and effective.

In addition to embracing sustainable practices, we understand the importance of building a resilient and adaptable supply chain. That’s why we go beyond sustainability and also focus on enhancing the robustness of your supply chain.

We firmly believe that integrating sustainability into every aspect of your operations is key to long-term success. Not only does it allow you to make a possitive impact on the planet, but it also positions your business to thrive in the marketplace of tomorrow. By partnering with us, you’re not just investing in sustainability; you’re investing in the future resilience and prosperity of your business.

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